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News Stories

Nov. 26, 2018 Deseret News story about fossil fuels and the proposed inland port


Sept 20, 2018 Report showing that 63% of SLC residents who know about the port "somewhat" or "strongly" oppose it.


October 11, 2018 VIDEO: KUTV News story on the potential air quality harm from the proposed port. 


October 21, 2018 Salt Lake Tribune How will the inland port, a massive project near the Great Salt Lake, affect air quality and the ecosystem?


November 13, 2018 Salt Lake Tribune The Utah Inland Port board’s committees meeting in private despite criticism over lack of transparency


June 26, 2018 The Salt Lake Tribune House Speaker Greg Hughes steps down from Inland Port board less than a week after his property holdings came to light


June 23, 2018 The Salt Lake Tribune Commentary: Hughes should resign from port authority board Hughes would be unable to serve on the board he appointed himself to because of a law that he helped pass


June 21, 2018 The Salt Lake Tribune Gov. Herbert is ‘not eager’ to change the conflict-ofinterest rules after Speaker Hughes’ property holdings come to light. He’s not alone. 


House Speaker Greg Hughes’ property holdings appear to disqualify him from the inland port board that he appointed himself to, The Salt Lake Tribune, June 20, 2018


Business leaders praise planned Salt Lake City trade hub but environmentalists raise questions - The Salt Lake Tribune, May 23


Global trade experts urge Utah leaders to put politics aside for inland port, but talks remain stalled, Deseret News, May 23


George Pyle: Sadly, our editorial predicted what would happen with the Salt Lake City port


"How Greg Hughes got his inland port in just 44 days, at Salt Lake City’s expense," Salt Lake Tribune, April 3, 2018 


"Commentary: construction vehicles must be next target in clear air fight," Salt Lake Tribune, April 28, 2018


"Tribune editorial: Herbert was wrong to sign Port Authority bill" Salt Lake Tribune, March 17, 2018 


"Over Utah’s proposed inland port, residents protest, governor’s advisers lobby and sponsor decries ‘some issues’" Salt Lake Tribune, March 15, 2018


Tribune Editorial: Herbert should veto this horrid land-grab bill, Salt Lake Tribune, March 10, 2018


"Environmental activists, community members join city officials in protest of bill that aims to convert northwest Salt Lake City into an international trade hub", Salt Lake Tribune, March 4, 2018


"Commentary: Protect the natural environment of the city's north west quadrant", Salt Lake Tribune, February 28, 2018

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